The Treasury of Lives
The Treasury of Lives is a biographical encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalayan region. In development since 2007, it provides accessible and well-researched biographies of notable individuals who are deceased and who were native to the region. Most essays are peer reviewed. Content is enhanced by a dynamic map.
The team at the Treasury wishes to acknowledge everyone who has collaborated to help create the site, which was originally known as The Tibetan Lineages Project. Chief among them are Donald Rubin, out of whose mind the idea initially sprung, and Moke Mokotoff, Matthieu Ricard and Vivian Kurz, who originally created the site and engaged the scholars who wrote the earliest essays. We remember the late Gene Smith for his encouragement and suggestions. Many additional people have helped make the Treasury what it is today. We want to recognize Jeff Watt, Jeff Wallman, Asha Kaufman, Tenzin Dickie, Karma Sonam Gelek, Harry Einhorn, Asa Hardcastle, Weston Happ, and Nathaniel Eames.