Digital China Worldwide | CrossAsia Fulltext Search

CrossAsia Fulltext Search

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The CrossAsia Fulltext Search is built from textual resources hosted in the CrossAsia Integrated Textrepository (ITR, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin). It is open to all users. Its aim is to help users find texts and sources relevant to their research questions by performing comprehensive fulltext searches across databases.

Currently, you can search the fulltexts of about 418,000 titles with 67,2 million pages archived in the CrossAsia ITR.

The ITR will grow continuously and more and more fulltexts will be included into the search. In addition to this type of more or less “plain” fulltext searches, CrossAsia will work on the improvement of data exploration and try to find additional modes of making available and navigating the resources. First attempts are the CrossAsia N-gram Service, where we publish datasets with character frequencies for selected collections, and the CrossAsia ITR Explorer and CrossAsia ITR Newspaper Explorer which helps to analyse and visualise the data stored in the ITR.

(From the original website.)