Digital China Worldwide | Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity

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The Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity (BDCC) is an electronic database containing the essential biographical facts of Chinese and foreign Christian missionaries, church leaders, evangelists, and laity chiefly responsible for laying the foundations and advancing the growth of Chinese Christian communities and their influence in societies around the world. While the database is widely inclusive of time periods and faith traditions, the distinctive focus of the project is on the lesser-known Chinese Christians of the modern era (1800 to 1950).

An international team of scholars collaborates to facilitate the project. Contributors are drawn from academic, church, and mission communities in China, Asia, and the West. The project aims to stimulate local data gathering from universities, churches, seminaries and colleges, and para-church agencies, with faculty members, graduate students, and organizational staff doing research and writing. With a solid base in academic expertise, the project nevertheless introduces the personal stories of grass-roots Chinese Christians and their communities in a lively writing style for a general audience.

(From the original website.)